Personal statement

While growing up I was lucky to know an artist by the name Alizardo Álvarez whom my father supported with room and board. He painted large frescos in our town, and these were a great inspiration to me from an early age. It was these paintings as well as the magnificent landscapes of northern Chile that inspired me to start painting. I have always been enchanted with Nature, and for this reason Nature is often the primary subject of my pictures. In recent years my work has become increasingly abstract, so that by now some of my paintings are pure abstractions. When painting these pictures I am mainly concerned with color and balance, and with creating forms that are inviting and mysterious.

Cuando yo era niña, tuve la suerte de haber conocido un pintor que se llamaba Alizardo Álvarez. Este Sr fue invitado por mi padre a vivir con nosotros, y él pintó frescos en nuestra casa. Yo tenía entonces siete años de edad y contemplaba a Don Alizardo pintar cada día. Pienso que desde ese periodo mi interés por la pintura y apreciación por la naturaleza se hizo sentir en mi. Ultimamente mis obras han llegado a hacerse abstractas. Cuando pinto en este estilo, me concentro en el color y el balance, creando formas que invitan a encontrar un misterio.

Courses (instructors)

• Nelson Sandgren
• Anne McCosh
• David Taylor
• Elizabeth Mowry
• Joseph Bohler
• Charles Soveck
• Hardy Wistuba
• Tomas Daskam